Free Engaged Emancipation Mind Morals and Make-Believe in the Moksopaya (Yogavasistha)

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Free Engaged Emancipation Mind Morals and Make-Believe in the Moksopaya (Yogavasistha), this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2015-12-01
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Original language: English

In the Mok op ya (also known as the Yogav si ha), an eleventh-century Sanskrit poetic text, the great Vedic philosopher Vasi ha counsels his young protege Lord R ma about the ways of the world through sixty-four stories designed to bring R ma from ignorance to wisdom. Much beloved, this work reflects the philosophy of Kashmir aivism. Precisely because all worldly pursuits are dreamlike and fiction-like, the human soul must first come to an experience of non-dualistic, mind-only metaphysics, and after attaining this wisdom, promote moral activism. Engaged Emancipation is a wide-ranging consideration of this work and the philosophical and spiritual questions it addresses by philosophers, Sanskritists, and scholars of religion, literature, and science. Contributors allow readers to walk with R ma as his melancholy and angst transform into connectivity, peace, and spiritual equipoise." Yoga Vasistha - Wikipedia Yoga Vasistha (Sanskrit: - IAST: Yoga-Vsiha) is a philosophical text attributed to Valmiki but the real author is unknown. The ...
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